Module 3:The Paragraph: EMPHASIS
Posted By:Vivian D. Peremacio
Sources:1.English Grammar composition c/o Prof. Rufina C. Esagre
Posted By:Vivian D. Peremacio
Sources:1.English Grammar composition c/o Prof. Rufina C. Esagre
To be skilled in composition writing, one should not only learn how to write a correct paragraph, but also how to develop an effective paragraph; that is, one which will serve the end of communication which is clarity and fracility in delivering a message. To achieve this end one should know, apply, and drill intensively on the three qualities of an effective paragraph; namely, unity, coherence, and emphasis.
This module intends to:
1.identify paragraph structure.
2.observe emphasis in making an effective paragraph.
To create an emphasis, a very short paragraph of one or two sentences lends weight to what is being said because it breaks the reader's rhythm.
from An Entomological Study of Apartment 4A
Patricia Volk
The phone rings. It rings all day. Louis Sorkin is the of insect emergencies. If you open your safe and bugs fly in your face or you need to know whether New Mexican centipedes produce cyanide. Sorkin's your man.
He studies two flies I found in the bathroom windowsill. There's no masking his disgust.
He studies two flies I found in the bathroom windowsill. There's no masking his disgust.
note:The short, direct second paragraph following the longer, more conversational paragraph emphasizes Louis Sorkin's reaction.
The third and last requirement of a well constructed paragraph is EMPHASIS. Emphasis means “force” or “stress.” You may have a fairly well-organized, coherent, unified paragraph that is lacking in emphasis. The main idea of the paragraph must be stressed in every sentence. It must not be hidden in a mass of useless details and unnecessary explanations. For instance, you should tell what kind of soap is best for washing a cocker spaniel, but you should not describe the soap or discuss the kinds of soap that will not do; such facts weaken the emphasis of your paragraph. You can be sure that you are stressing the main idea by keeping the same subject in every sentence, whenever this is possible. In the paragraph about washing the cocker spaniel, the subject of each sentence could be “you” understood. Such a subject would be better than “dog” because then each simple predicate would have too many helping verbs, and the object of all good writing is to avoid unnecessary words. In this way you are likely to improve the unity because it will not be so easy to go off the track. You are much less likely to introduce unrelated ideas if you are not changing subjects. Detailed development is just as important in a paragraph as in a whole composition-- indeed, no essay can be rounded out unless its paragraphs are.
Techniques to emphasized important idea in the paragraph:
1. REPITITION. is meant expressing the important idea more than once though not using the same set of words.
2. CONTRAST. the idea to be emphasized is mostly of long sentences or the short one will certainly draw attention and vice versa.
2. CONTRAST. the idea to be emphasized is mostly of long sentences or the short one will certainly draw attention and vice versa.
3.PARALLELISM. is meant balanced structure. To use this technique effectively in the paragraph, the common subject is left out so there is a smooth flow of the series which is the object of emphasis.
1. What is emphasis?
2. How to achieve paragraph emphasis?
3. What are the techniques in emphasizing important ideas in the paragraph?
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